Contact Us

Use this Form
We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding membership (scroll down for application form), donating, local art opportunities, etc.

Via Email or Phone

In Person
(Location of First Thursdays Speakers/Classes/Etc, Third Thursdays Meetings, and Some Events)
De Soto Arts Council Art Center
(In lower level of City Hall, open only for meetings and scheduled events. Down the hall from Jazzercise, easiest to access from the side entrance near the lawn sculptures. Look for the DAC sign on the building.)
32905 W. 84th Street, 
De Soto, KS 66018 

Mailing Address
De Soto Arts Council
P.O. Box 501
De Soto, KS 66018



Are you interested in or involved in the Arts in and around De Soto? We’re looking for visual artists, musicians, thespians, patrons and more to join the Arts Council! You do not need to be a professional artist to join. ALL levels are welcomed and encouraged!

The Council meets approximately once per month (usually the third Thursday in the evening), and helps encourage the Arts in and around De Soto. Membership is $25/year.

As a member, you enjoy free listing in our Local Artists Directory (a great way to make connections and encourage local interest in your work!). You also enjoy connections with other artists in the area and using their giftings to enhance the community.

Apply for membership

Please fill out this form to apply for membership. We try our best to respond within a week. If you have not heard from us regarding your submission within a week, feel free to reach out again through the email and/or phone number provided above.


MEMBERS ONLY - Pay Annual Dues

Annual dues are $25 (see below), due in January.

NEW MEMBERS: When you receive confirmation of membership, please pay your annual dues either in person via check or cash, or online using the button below. The easiest way to pay in person is to give them to the Treasurer during a monthly meeting.

RETURNING MEMBERS: Please pay your annual dues in January. You may pay via this form or in person.

Annual Membership Fee

Thank you for paying your annual fee. Fees are due in January. You can also pay the Treasurer in person using cash or check.

How does Membership Benefit me?: Membership gives you access to all regular Arts Council privileges as well as a personalized entry in the Local Artists Catalog. If you’re interested in having an entry in the Catalog (great for helping local people connect with your work), please contact Maureen Fieleke for more information.

How much is Membership?: Membership is $25/year, and all funds go towards our goals of encouraging the artistic community in De Soto and the surrounding areas. If you pay online, we add a dollar to cover the processing fees we incur ($25 dues + $1 processing fee = $26). If you pay with a check or in cash (due to the treasurer), there is no processing fee.

New Members Only: If you join for the first time during the second half of the year, you receive a prorated membership fee. You will pay again next January when dues are due for all members.